Celebrating Saint Lucian Culture

Saint Lucian Culture
Saint Lucia National Day
December 13th is Saint Lucia's National Day, which marks the Feast Day of Saint Lucia, the patron saint of the island.
Her feast day, which coincided with the shortest day of the year prior to calendar reforms, is widely celebrated as a festival of light.

Saint Lucia National Dish
Saint Lucia is known for its tasty national dish of green bananas and salt fish locally known as green figs and saltfish. Cucumber salad and a little hot sauce are the perfect finishing touches.

Saint Lucian Creole
Saint Lucian Creole French (Kwéyòl) known locally as Patois/Patwa is the French-based Creole widely spoken in Saint Lucia. It is the vernacular language of the country and is spoken alongside the official language of English.

One of the most common phrases
'Sakafet?' Which is Kweyol greeting 'How’s it going?'
To which you can reply: Mwen la — I’m there
Find out more about Saint Lucian Creole
  • https://www.caribbean-beat.com/issue-57/kweyol-greetings#ixzz6gVAhlgLk
  • https://youtube.com/c/ThisGirlIsNotPerfect

Why I Love Saint Lucian Culture
Saint Lucia is a beautiful Caribbean island, with lush green mountains and amazing people (yes I'm biased!) The Pitons are world famous, but the unique thing that I love about Saint Lucia is the culture. Everything from the food, music, language, people, humour, community spirit, traditions and so much more. If you haven't experienced this special place and it's unique culture, I highly recommend it.
We are launching a collection for each country we feature in the Culture Club Shop. The first collection to launch is Saint Lucia, where we have a curated selection of items from Saint Lucia and items inspired by Saint Lucia. Check it out!